Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood and Junior Primary


The overarching aim of this programme is to support prospective and upgrading Diploma students to be competent, confident teachers who are able to facilitate the mastery of the school curriculum competencies in all Early Childhood and Junior Primary subjects.
Early Childhood Care, Development and Junior Primary Education lay the foundation for formal Education and thus contribute to building a nation. This phase of learning is recognised internationally as an essential launching block
in life. Early childhood and Junior Primary Education forms an integral part of the ‘Education for All’ agenda since it ensures a more effective transition to and integration in formal education for all Namibian children. The B. Ed ECJPE thus aims to provide aspiring educarers and teachers with a solid theoretical background and effective pedagogical skills to build a sound foundation for young Namibians.

Objectives and Target Groups

• Train student teachers to understand, value and treat young children with respect and value their diversity.
• Expose students to educational practice opportunities to establish theoretical underpinnings and school curriculum expectations.
• Develop effective relevant teaching strategies for all school subjects to promote learning.
• Develop a deep understanding of children and their needs through relevant action research.
• Provide students with theoretical background knowledge on holistic child development, inclusion, counseling and human classroom management skills.

Course open for

This B.Ed ECJPE qualification will acknowledge former alumni of NAMCOL who have obtained the Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre Primary Education as well as new recruits who wish to obtain an education degree in the Early Childhood and Junior Primary Phase and cannot afford full time studies. The B.Ed ECJPE qualification offers an opportunity to student teachers who have a calling and have a strong desire to serve the nation through teaching young children and helping them achieve a good chance at success.

Admission Requirements

 Applicants must have at least 25 points in the five subjects on the NSSCO/ AS level, including English with a minimum D Grade OR
• Applicants who are graduates of NAMCOL’s Certificate in Early Childhood Development (CECD)
• Applicants who are graduates from the NAMCOL Diploma in Early Childhood and Development (DECPPE) or any other equivalent relevant qualification.Grade 12 certificate with 25 points (in five modules)
• E symbol in English
• Anyone who has obtained the Diploma in Youth Development Work (DYD) at NAMCOL or Any other equivalent qualification






Four Years

Ailly Ndaoya
+264 613205281

Bank Windhoek
Katutura Branch
Cheque Account
Reference: Student number

Fee Structure

Registration fee is N$2690.00, which should be paid upon registration, the remaining amount should be settled by May 31. The once-off 690.00 data fee is charged with registation for 10G of data each month for the whole year

Registration fee is N$2000.00, which should be paid upon registration, The remaining amount should be settled by 30 September.

Type of FeeAmount
Institutional Core Modules x21000.00
Modules x913000.00
Grand Total14190.00


Year 1:
1.Religious and Moral Education8. Professional and Educational
2. English Language Competence I9. Basic Math for ECD/Junior
Primary Educators II
3. Basic Mathematics for ECD/Junior Primary
Educators I
10.Introduction Computers
4. Introduction to Computers11.Integrated Music and Drama
5. Integrated Creative and Visual Arts12.Integrated Environmental
Education JPE
6.Integrated Environmental Awareness ECD
7.English Language Competence II (Independent User
Year 2:
13. Theories of Learning in Early Childhood
and Junior Primary Education (Western and African perspective
20.Mathematics & Numeracy Education (Grade 1-3)
14. Pre-Numeracy Development (ECD)21. Literacy & Language
Education (Grade 1-3)
15. Pre-Literacy and Language Development
22. Physical Development and Motor Skills (Grade 1-3)
16. . Physical Development and Motor Skills23. English as Second Language
17. English as Second Language24. Namibian Language as
Medium of Instruction (mother
18. Namibian Language as Medium of
Instruction (Mother Tongue
25.Educational practice 1B
19. Educational practice 1A
Year 3:
26. Holistic Child Development Milestones
and Needs
31. Reading and Writing intervention
27. Inclusive Education for Child Development
and Learning Challenges
32. Curriculum Development and
Science of Teaching
28. Numeracy Intervention33. History, Policies and
Standards in ECE
29. English Language Competence III
(Professional User)
34. Project-Based Learning
30. Project Based Learning35. Educational Practice II
Year 4:
36. Educational Research Methodology41. Guidance and Counselling of
Young Children
37. Guidance and Counseling of young
42. Educational Management II
38. Educational Leadership and Management I43. Research Project
39. First Aid
40. Educational Practice III


The assessment process comprises assignments which form continuous assessment over the course of a Semester or year and count as a Continuous Assessment (CA) year/Semester mark, allowing Semester students to qualify for an examination if they have at least 50%.
• Some modules will be based on practical work (photographed or done during compulsory tutorial sessions) plus assignments only, such as Educational Practice and Integrated Arts while other modules will have a final examination paper written.
• First Aid will be certified separately.
• Lecturers are expected to provide guiding and informative feedback on assignments. Assignments and examination papers will be moderated as well as a selection of the marked scripts

Shane Fisher
CEO & Founder
Kristin Lane
Art Director
Philip Howard
Lead Developer
Stella Flores
Kristin Lane
Web Designer
Andrew Mccoy
Junior Developer