The CMD Department is responsible for planning and designing new distance education programmes and materials, drafting and editing all study materials, laying out these materials in a user-friendly manner as well as packing and dispatching study materials to regional offices.
+264 61 3205111
Open schooling division is responsible for the development of secondary level materials and courseware based on the approved curriculum of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture. The College adopts a blended learning approach through the use of print-based materials and electronic-based learning. Open schooling division ensures the development of quality learning resources guided by the house Style manual.
Dr. Edwig Karipi
+264 61 320 5208
The Post-secondary Division is responsible for the development of tertiary level programmes offered by NAMCOL. This includes curriculum design as well as material development. The division ensures that all programmes are responsive to the national needs and are aligned with the national development goals.
The e-Learning division coordinates and supports the development of e-Learning resources at the college.
The division facilitates the implementation of the eLearning and the OER policies and ensures that e-Learning is integrated in the College’s strategic objective.