The Directorate aims to achieve the College’s strategic objectives by ensuring the development, implementation, administration, as well as coordination of the functional divisions activities, i.e. Marketing, Enterprise Development, Records Management and Archiving, as well as Information, Communication and Technology.
Tel:+264 61 3205111
The Information Communication Technology (ICT) Division is responsible for the administration and management of the ICT infrastructure and services. The College uses the Integrated Tertiary System (ITS), as its Information Management System integrating into several modules such as Student Information Management, Human Resources, Payroll, Finance and Procurement.
+264 61 3205
The Division is responsible for marketing NAMCOLs programmes and services. Activities are guided by strategies devised periodically and which are derived from the Marketing and Communications Policy that was approved by the Board for the second cycle.
Rholene Bok
+264 61-3205241
The Enterprise Development Division is established to create, maintain and grow current businesses through research and development whilst in search of new businesses and markets to contribute towards the institution’s strategic objectives for sustainability by locating, developing, defining, negotiating, and sealing business relationships.
Phillip Kambonde
+264 61-3205218
The Records and Archiving Management Division is responsible for the establishment of the Records Management Programme (RMP) at the College. The RMP is divided into three main sections, namely Current records, Semi-current and Archives. This programme assists offices and departments in managing records to meet the administrative, financial, legal and historical needs of the College, and thus, to achieve a competitive advantage.
Ms. Vespa Kaumbi
+264 61 320 5356